Unleash Your Mind


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What’s on your mind? Well, a lot of things.

You probably know this, but I’ll remind you anyway. The brain is a powerhouse that stores many complex mental faculties.

Not to say that ours is better, but compared to animals that have impressive brain capacities themselves, the human mind is by far the only one known to be capable of reason, perception, imagination, to name a few.

The 10% brain usage has long been debunked, but come to think of it. You may not realize that there is still so much you can do with all that intellect that’s waiting to be unleashed from your mind.

There are brain exercises that can stimulate analytical thinking, or you can simply engage in exchange of ideas with other creative minds. Sometimes, you should even ignore that inner voice for the time being in order to listen to different views that challenge your own.

The beauty of the mind is that it is indeed like a sponge. While you won’t be able to retain everything (except if you are a savant), your past learnings still impact your current way of thinking.

I invite you on this journey to discover even more about this intangible force to help you make sense of everything in this world.