Don't React


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Let's face it, we live in a world we didn't create. That much is true. Every single day, we are subjected to all sorts of things that can trigger us. It can take the form of another person who just rubs us the wrong way, it can be some sort of surprise, or it could be a memory. How many times have you found yourself going about your business during the day and all of a sudden this mental image flashes in your mind and you can get rid of it.

You feel upset. It's as if you just got thrown off track. Maybe you feel sad, guilt, regretful, angry, depressed, or worried. None of these are good. Unfortunately, a lot of people suffer from a reactive mind. It's like we encountered a trigger and we can't help ourselves. We end up saying or doing something that just makes things worse. There are so many things out there that tend to bring out the worst in us or annoy us to no end.

How do you deal with this situation daily? You can do things the way most people handle such challenges. That is to do what comes naturally. You give people a piece of your mind, you step up to their face, and you want to attack. You feel that you have been pushed into a corner and your fight or flight instinct kicks in. Believe me, I understand. This is the default human response. If we didn't have this response, we probably wouldn't be here.

Our ancestors who lacked such a reaction system wouldn't have been able to save themselves and by extension pass on their genes. Like it or not, that is why the fight or flight response is part of the reason why we're here. But we live in the modern world with all the conveniences and technology. You don't have to see the world in black and white. You don't have to fight or run away. You don't have to confront or feel like a coward because you chose to forego the conflict.

There is a better way. In this book, I'm going to teach you how to respond to the circumstances happening around you. While it's true that for the most part, you did not cause the situations and you have no hand in how they play out, there is a way to deal with them that doesn't put you in a worse position than when you started. Sadly, when you habitually react, you often make your situation more difficult.