Remember the classic 80s song by the band, The Police, “Every move you make”? What if I told you that every move you make COUNTS?
I understand a lot of people will find this hard to believe. After all, a lot of the things we say and the actions we take don’t seem to move the needle.
Here we are, doing our best but too many of us seem to be so far away from living up to our fullest potential.
What gives?
Well, the reason why you are feeling stuck, frustrated, resentful, or resigned is because you are using the power of the UNIVERSAL law of vibration the wrong way. Instead of making this infinite power work for you, you’re making it work against you.
The worst part? You don’t even know it!
Let me be clear: everything about your life that is visible and can be perceived had to start somewhere invisible. I am, of course, talking about your thoughts.
Your thoughts are not these invisible things that bounce around in your head which are completely forgotten as quickly as they appear.
Nope. Your thoughts are actually the raw materials of your day to day existence. In fact, your external life-all the things others can see-form the effects... Guess what is the cause? That’s right, your thoughts!
This book will teach you the practical dimensions of the LAW OF VIBRATION so you can have everything you need to make it work in your favor.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re just living your life like a rat chasing its tail, this is your way out.
If you feel stuck in your relationships or career or business, this is the key to your invisible prison cell door.
If you’ve ever felt powerless living a life you didn’t create, this book provides the light you need to find a better path.
You CAN live a better life-just send out the RIGHT VIBRATION one moment at a time!