The 5 Universal Laws of Life


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If you didn't know the law of gravity, chances are you would be taking all sorts of unnecessary risks which may lead to injury or even death. Similarly, if you are unclear about local rules and regulations in your city, county, province, or state, you might find yourself paying a lot of money and fines or, worse yet, spending some time in jail.

As the old saying goes, ignorance of the law excuses no one. Just because you don't know about certain laws of nature as well as man-made laws doesn't mean you are exempt from them. Most people would agree to this.

Let me go out on a limb. There are certain universal laws of life that apply to everyone on this planet. I will take it one step further. These laws have always applied. It doesn't matter where you come from, what you look like, or the language you speak.

These laws were valid yesterday, currently apply, and will continue to be valid long into the future. Just as those other laws that I mentioned earlier, if you choose to live your life either in complete ignorance or defiance of these, you're not going to live the best life.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you're not going to achieve any kind of success or happiness. But if you want to truly live your life to its fullest potential, it would be a good idea to understand what these laws are and see how they impact your life.

By working with these laws instead of against them or in complete ignorance of them, you can start living your best life.